Whether you’re paying for an antivirus or you’re choosing a free alternative, you’ll need to know whether the features are enough to keep you safe. We’ll round up each section with a recap and explain our choices, then we’ll welcome your thoughts in the comments. The winner of each round gets a point, and the first to earn three points wins overall. We’ll start with features, before delving into pricing, user-friendliness, the quality of protection you’re given, and the customer support they offer. To give you the clearest sense of how well one antivirus software shapes up against the other, we’ll test Bitdefender and Windows Defender in five areas. Windows Defender is free, and that means it has limitations, which we’ll run through.

Bitdefender is a paid option, with a premium feature list to match, and it’s the top of our recommendations list. With new threats to your tech popping up daily, you can’t afford to choose an antivirus suite that doesn’t offer you the best coverage. Review Visit Bitdefender Setting Up a Fight: Bitdefender vs.
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